Archived News

    January 16, 1999  

I'm writing this mainly so you're aware of the COOL new graphics Moe made for the military divisions! Please check them out! There are even some small ones to use as signatures on the message board if you are so inclined. Just ask me for the URL to link to them. (They are different than the ones used for the links below) Also Moe and I have worked out a new format for the individual division pages. Hope you like it! Please be patient as we get these changes incorporated =)

I also want to make sure everyone is perfectly clear about something. We are at war with ALL 3 FACTIONS of the Byzantine guild. This not only includes the ByL faction that has accepted stone war with us, but also the ByZ and the ByG factions. Please remember this!


- Nathan Rahl

    January 14, 1999  

I think we just had one of the shortest wars in UO history. When TR FINALLY accepted our war declaration we were so ecstatic the HC members were fighting to get out of the meeting early to spill some TR blood. Well it lasted for approximately 2 hours before Cry for Mom died one too many times and surrendered, and then claimed (even though he's the GM of his guild) that he never declared war. Once again CfM's lies shine through. I'll give the guy this much...he can certainly make me laugh!

Wildcard has agreed to take over the Shadow Knights as their new General and has appointed Kiki and Derid to be his Knight Commanders. Good luck to the new command staff of the SK!

I have transferred ownership of the training tower over to Chairman Helmholtz (You guys were stealing too much of my playtime having me lock down boxes all the time!) He will be having keys made to those that get them (you know who you are) and Katrina over at the KGB Store will be distributing them. Please see Helm about getting friended.

We are still collecting the best times for people to attend training sessions. Right now I think we are looking at Monday and Thursday. This way hopefully everyone can attend at least one a week. Please contact Training Minister Paradox on what will work for you.

- Nathan Rahl

    January 13, 1999  

There have been some major changes to the military ranks of late. General Weiland has stepped down due to RL concerns and obligations. He still hopes to be out fighting with us but he's concluded he doesn't have the time to run his division the way he would like to. I'd like to thank Weiland for all his hard work taking on such a demanding job. THANK YOU BROTHER WEILAND! =)

I am still considering who will be taking over the Generalship of the Shadow Knights. I have talked to Jetstar and we have decided on a candidate who I still have yet to talk to. Stay tuned.

Champion Hard Cash has been promoted to Field General. This is a new rank dedicated to leading troops on the field of battle. General Hard Cash is below all Division Generals in the chain of command but is over all Captains and Commanders. Please listen to his advise, and let him lead you to some victories in battle!

I have made the Enforcers an official Division of the military. General Baba Yaga will be commanding and all enforcers can now earn military ranks.

Training is progressing nicely. Remember to heed the words of advice offered in the Battle Tactics section of the message board and to use the training tower as often as you like. I will be transferring ownership of the tower to someone else so that it can be more readily available. Training Minister Paradox Thorn will be running training sessions soon...stay tuned.

- Nathan Rahl